Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Birthdays!

Felicio Cinco de Mayo everyone! We had a great time celebrating our birthdays at a local Mexican restaurant with some's pretty cool having Mexico's Independence day on our special day.

But what made it REALLY special this year, is that Russell's sister (Becca) had her son on May little Cade now becomes the 6th family member to celebrate his birthday on this popular day (and just to let you know...IF and when we decide to have kiddies, you bet we'll be planning for a May 5th birth!!).

Otherwise we're all good, just fussing over our baby Stanley and working hard...3 & 1/2 weeks until school lets out for summer :)

Oh and wanted to see the front garden in all it's glory...thank you for all your hard work!

Arohanui to you all,

Russell, Sarah & Stanley xox


Anonymous said...

Awesome lawn, that is fantastic, and totally different from a month ago, eh?

Can't believe we've been back a whole month now. Good to chat with you this morning and to hear your news about the flights and dates, etc. I just hope to goodness Nan and Pop are able to get here before Christmas, I've suggested to them that they put their house on the market now, even before their visas come through which will probably take a couple of months - jsut to see what the state of play is regarding the likely sale of the house - but Nan being over cautious about such things would find that way too risky, even though she's a person of "faith" - she would consider it being reckless.

But you want to come over anyway and sees your little neice who has got her name already xcept Nanny doesn't know it yet.

Am attacking KTs dandelions and weeds in the same way - actually, there are more weeds (but not all dandelions) than you had, believe it or not - I find it great therapy and Dad appreciates me doing it as well, as he simply wouldn't have the time for the micro work. He has trimmed their front pavement hedge and weeded up both sides, and the veggie bed - so it will all be done before Paige Tina arrives.

Met Kayla's mum yesterday as well as Kayla and Sheldon - KT laid on an afternoon tea and we sat and talked about Riddell - Glenda (I think is the Mum's name) has a friend who likes to witness and chat to people on the internet, so I gave her the Uthink details - Dad and I had a fun time on Satuday night at Mac's brewery meeting ppl from Uthink - Admin had laid on $1,000 bar tab which didn't all get used - it was a fun night and I'm very proud of Dad for making such a big effort out of his comfort zone.

Cathedral was wonderful yesterday - God really spoke through the Scriptures, hymns and sermon, all tying things together as if by way of confirmation of so much stuff.

Hope this gets to you via 'anonymous' - all those instructions down there are far too complicated for me to get to grips with!!
Love you lots,
Hugs and kisses,
Mum & Dad

Broadus College Team said...

And arohanui to you. (what's that mean?)

Happy Birthday again to our favorite Kiwis and yes, your lawn looks marvelous.

Love to you both.
American dad

Broadus College Team said...

Here we come!!!

american mum and dad