Sunday, July 20, 2008

Exreme Build Mission Trip, July '08

Hey everyone! We just got back from our church mission trip in central Kentucky, where we helped build a house in just 1 week for this lovely family (Bessie, [next to me], widowed with 2 kids is the proud new home owner). Here you can watch her house take shape....

Morning of Day 1...let the fun begin! Day! look at the progress :)

Day 3 & things are moving along. Beautiful sunrise on Day 4

Still smiling on Day 5 Day 6...mission, almost accomplished!

Russell & Tim, and the studs! Look at those muscles!

Yes they trust me with a hammer! Two in fact!

Sarah & her building buddy David (no he's not Amish, Sarah did ask though!)

So love to you all and know we miss you loads.
Russell & Sarah xox

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer time is here!

Hey everyone, sorry we've been lazy about updating this...we've been busy bees this summer so far. After finally getting out of school the 2nd week of June, we hit the summer running.
We ran a Vacation Bible School at church,
and had about 100 kids each day day.

Then the very next week we took 20 youth down to camp for a week in North Carolina.

Once we got back, we had a wonderful time of showing Russell's parents around Louisville.

After fitting all that in June, along with Russell's softball league,

in July we are off building a house in a week with a bunch of other churches in Kentucky and then try and make a visit over to see our new little nephew in Richmond, VA. I guess that is what summer is all about, packing as much as you can into it.

Stanley, as you can see is getting bigger everyday and is ALOT of fun...definately a cling-on on the starboard bough for sure!!

Blessing to all,
Russell and Sarah