Friday, March 23, 2007

our new house

hey everyone, this is a guided tour of our new house. yes, that is right, our new house!!
we have just accepted positions at first baptist church, shepherdsville, ky. russell will be associate pastor, focusing on youth, and sarah will be childerns minister. we have been so blessed and so humbled by this time in our life. god has been so faithful to us, even when we have been so impatient. thank you so much for your prayers of support as well as your love. you have blessed our lives so much.
feel free to contact us about it all because we would love to tell you how good god is.
sorry for the poor quality of was my first time as director.

our new house

you'll just have to wait longer

as we told you, some changes may be coming the next time we talk but, just like us you are just going to have to wait. :) on our way to our destination, we had a lay over in new york city. next thing we know, we have been stranded in the nyc airport for 10 hours due to ice and snow.
even though we waited all day for our flight to take off, it never happened. we were blessed to be able to get the next flight out, but it was 2 days away. even though we had to wait, our good friends Lori and Jacob Burgess live in New York and they were willing to host some tired travelers for a couple of days. with some borrowed winter clothes, we had a great day playing in the snow and catching up with good friends.

even though we got stranded, it was well worth it being able to spend time with good friends.
maybe next blog you will see the big changes...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

on the edge of changes

hello there you crazy cats. just wanted to update you on our wild journey of life. we are "on the edge of changes" at the moment. we can not tell you too much about it right now but we do want you to know that things are about to change for us. don't worry, it will not be like sarah eatting mcdonald's or anything but it is a exciting time for all.

I guess you never know what may happen!
needless to say, because of this opportunitythat is coming up for us, we have had the blessing to travel and see more of the united states. i think this makes 9 or 10 states for sarah. at this rate, sarah will have seen all 50 in a couple of years. there is so much area of the united states to see. we just hope that someday you can share in these experiences with us.

again, thank you for your love and support. we miss you and wish the best for you and your family. hope to talk to you soon.

russell and sarah