Sunday, July 22, 2007

Extreme Build

Greetings 'yen' (how they say ya'll in this part of our state!) from Whitly City, Eastern Kentucky. We just got back from a week long mission adventure building a house for a very poor family in one of the lowest socioeconomic areas in the United States.

We were part of a team of about 130 Baptists from around Kentucky who helped hammer, paint, measure, clean, roof, etc etc for 6 fabulous days. I hope the photo's show you just how incredibly fast the house went up and wow! it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

We worked alongside 80 year old harry hard-outs from Habitat for Humanity who help build houses every week and there's Sarah learning how to hammer a nail into a block of wood for the first time...hilarious! Russell was real brave volunteering to help out with alot of the roofing work, Sarah went as high as the double story scaffolding, but was much happier painting and helping to plant the beautiful garden. So all in all was a very humbling week to work alongside such positive, selfless people who just love to help others. We are so blessed to be here right now, but of course we miss all our family and please keep in touch, we LOVE to hear from ya'll/yen/you guys!

Day 1 Day 2

Day 3 Day 4

Day 5 Day 6

Russell and Sarah

Sunday, July 8, 2007

FBC Shepherdsville Youth Camp

Hey everyone! How ya'll doin? Just wanted to show you some picky's from our most fantastic time at camp last week. We took 18 youth from our church down to North Carolina for a week of missions, parties,sports, Bible studies, worship and good old craziness :) The youth had a great time learning more about getting outside their comfort zone...outside Shepherdsville and just generally outside the box! So yeah, we feel so so blessed to have such a great, supportive church and awesome youth to lead. Hope everyone is not too cold in NZ...we are BAKING here! It's getting real hot and we're off soon on a missions project to help build a house in Eastern, we'll let you know how that all goes in a couple of weeks time. God bless ya'll, love Russell & Sarah.