Monday, June 18, 2007

Let's hear it for VBS...

Hey everyone, just wanted to show ya'll some of the picky's from our crazy week last week at Vacation Bible School! These hard-out Americans run like a massive Sunday School week for their communities and Russell & Sarah landed right in the middle of our churches one.

We had a sports theme with over a hundred kids attending most days...and true to the good old Baptist was lot's of fun, food & fellowship all round for five incredible days :) The week culminated with a big 'Feild Day'...lots of aerobics (obviously, some of the kiddies did not appreciate my YMCA music!), sport games and activities in our gym (a.k.a, Sarah's secret ploy to help Americans get fitter!!).
Russell had the extreme privilege of being 'pied' because the girls raised more money in the missions offerrings than the boys...Sarah gleefully volunteered to be the pie thrower of course. And yeah, it was truly a fantastic week filled with so many awesome activities for kids who really don't get the chance to know Gods love expressed like this that often.
We feel very blessed to be here and help out at our church...and as if VBS wasn't enough for us, we then took 20 of our young people to a nearby lake for a weekend of sun, water and boating action...TOTALLY AWESOME!!! But so sorry...we forgot our camera...oops!
Till next time, arohanui from the crazy cats state-side,
Russell & Sarah xxx

Monday, June 11, 2007

Kentucky is alive...with the sound of music

Hola mis amigos!! Just wanted to share my excitement with ya'll over my new guitar that these WONDERFUL people at our church blessed me with :)

It's a classic fender 6-string acoustic guitar that just sounds incredible...God is so faithful to supply ALL of our needs (and most of our wants!) through His riches in glory, AMEN. I didn't realise when I gave away my old guitar in NZ (Maree- hope you're having a great time with it!) that I'd be blessed with an even better one here...sorry, no offense yeah, just wanted to share my little testimony of God's provision in good old Kentucky, USA :)

Hope everyone is all good and not too cold/hot depending on where you are. We love you all so much and pray God's richest blessings on you too...'ask and it will be given'.
Russell & Sarah