Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thank goodness dumb halloween is over!!

Happy Halloween to all those who even knew it was happening. These are some of the picky's from the Fall Festival we ran for the kiddies at our church in the weekend...what a bunch of cutie wuties huh?

So we spent the actual hallow's eve at our friends house because we wanted to escape the inevitable onslaught of the masses of scabbing little kids in our neighborhood (which is packed with young families). It actually was pretty fun and we even did a bit of trick 0 treating ourselves ;) So, I suppose the lesson from it all, is the good old saying of,
'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!'

So there you have it folks, our first halloween in the states together...hoorah!

love ya'll
God bless
russell and sarah
p.s.- this is our favorite costume of the night.

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