Monday, October 1, 2007

We made it!! The big 1st year wedding anniversary celebrations, Sept 30th 2007

Hey guys, here's a little quiz for ya'll...which activity did Russell pick for our anniversary and which one did Sarah pick?? After one year of marriage the Bone team has learned a lot about that lovey-dovey word: compromise ;) So, on Friday afternoon we drove up to Cincinnati, Ohio to watch the Chicago Cubs maul the Cincinnati Reds in a really exciting game. We were unfortunately sitting with all these Chicago fans and you bet Russell low-key took his Cincinnati cap off half way through!!
After a luxurious night in Mr Hilton's abode we left the world of comfort behind, for some good old kiwi camping! Trust Russell to choose the state park that he did...hahahahaha!!! We had a great time pitching up our $20 Wal-mart tent and playing with fire even so it really was still quite warm outside. Sarah bet Russell at mini-golf (AGAIN!!) and then Russell got the camp manager to heat up his microwave dinner..(!!) embarrassing...I'm trying to toughen him up folks, I really am...but these Americans do love their creature comforts!!
The Big Bone Lick state park is actually really beautiful despite it's horrendously awful name....(I mean honestly, who chooses a name like that??!!) and we had a very relaxing walk around it's pretty lake before retiring to our cosy little cavern....

well, cosy yes...but flippen' freezin' by 8am the next morning too! So, we're like, "you wanna go?" and we're like "yeah, let's get outta here!"....we didn't even bother to get changed, we just threw everything in the car and drove home to take a nap!! Happy Anniversary dear! So, all in all we had just another great Bone adventure...hope this made you laugh, we really are quite a pair over here!!

love you guys,
Russell & Sarah (1 year down....)


Becky said...

That post really cracked us up! You sound like you had a lot of fun :) Congratulations on your anniversary - wow I cant believe it has only been a year, so much has happened for you guys! Love hearing all your news, missing you heaps.
Take care,
Becky and Jonny

Anonymous said...

Congratulations 'use guys' on your anniversary. Poor little clay pigeon. What do they eat???

Hey, I took the train yesterday to downtown D.C. to visit our youth minister's wife in the hospital. Made me think of you guys and traveling to Wellington.

One year, Wow!
Your American Dad

Anonymous said...

Hello Russell n Sarah!

Wow one year! That is soo cool! We are almost there too, 3 more months. Missing you guys, so cool to be able to see how you are doing and what you're up to. We are feeling a bit iffy 'bout next year at the mo, in the huge process of applying for Salvation Army training college, but a couple of other potentially exciting options have come up so yeah! Lots of prayer goin' on.

Thinking of you,

Love Naomi Holt