Wednesday, December 20, 2006

welcome to atlanta, where the players play

We have arrived in Virginia everyone! After 9 days on the road, 2200 miles, alot of petrol and two sore butts, we have reached our destination of Richmond where we are living with Russell's parents for the time being.

We had 2 fantastic nights in Atlanta, Georgia with some of Russell's friends. We raced up Stone Mountain one morning to admire the gorgeous views of this tree covered city. The three gentlemen carved into the rock were the three big Confederate leaders for the south during the civil war (Andrew Stonewall Jackson, Jefferson Davis and Robert E Lee). Russell's friend reckons "it's the biggest monument to a bunch of losers in the world"! Very beautiful though :)

So after loading up our car with Russell's stuff from his time in Atlanta, we drove the last 8 hours of our journey through Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and then into Virginia. These states are all very stunning, covered in huge pine trees and finally, some hills & mountains have appeared! The leaves are gorgeous hues of reds, browns and yellows and it's about 3 degrees (celcius)/35 degrees (farenheit) right now. The sunsets are magnificent as are the meandering rivers and streams that are everywhere.

We are both doing OK...pretty tired and ready to start working again. It's great to be here with Russell's family and we are looking forward to a chilled Christmas (in both senses of the word). Happy holidays everyone, we love ya'll very much and pray God's richest blessings on ya this Christmas :)
Blessings, see ya soon.

Russell & Sarah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to have you both in VA. And, to learn of your travels thru pics. You will love VA and the beautiful scenery. Plus the view of Brooks.

Thanks for the continued updates. Love you both, bunches.