Saturday, August 4, 2007

civil war

How ya'll doing?! Check out these crazy picky's from our day at the local Civil War Reinactment in our town...yep!

These events really do happen here- it's not just in the movies folks!! That rifle was actually incredibly heavy and in over 40 degree weather, we give credit to all the guys wearing their authentic WOOLLEN trousers!

So yeah, we're not sure if the Confederate win of today is particularly politically correct...but hey- we're in the south...anything goes!! :)

We love and miss each of you. Blessings to all.
Russell and Sarah


Anonymous said...

Who's on the horse the guys are shooting at??????

Lots of history in your Kentucky.

Keep it safe tho.

american dad

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah it's like Sweet Home Alabama!!! So cool!

How are you guys doing? we miss you, looks like you are having such a great time and God is awesome huh?! Looks like we are probably staying in NZ next year and going into training college for the Salvation Army, pretty scary, but cool too, hoping to get to American again soonish, were thinking november, but now maybe looking at Feb, hopefully we will be able to see you!!!!

Heaps of love